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Bright Color, Smart World


Financial Highlights
Classification Formal configuration Ratio(%) Remarks
Return On Equity(ROE) Net income / Equity 3.21
Growth Rate of Sales Net Sales / Electrical Sales 16.56
Debt-to-equity ratio Total Liabilities / Equity 93.40
Last three years financial indicators
Classification Formal configuration 2021 2020 2019
Capital adequacy ratio Equity / total assets 51.96% 51.44% 52.90%
Ratio of operating gain to revenue Operating Profit / Sales 2.41% 3.96% 4.22%
Debt-to-equity ratio Debt / Equity 93.40% 94.41% 89.03%
Total Borrowings And Bonds
Payable To Total Assets
/ total assets
16.97% 17.52% 16.46%
Dividend Payout Ratio(POR) Dividends / Net Income 56.00% 49.56% 35.90%
Interest Coverage Ratio Operating income
/ Interest expense
614.83% 763.99% 656.23%